0.05s is super, crazy fast!

But that’s how much it takes for someone to form an opinion about your business, based on your visual identity.

Don't panic, don't panic, don't panic...

Maybe panic just a weeeee bit...

Because wether you’re team competitors or team there’s-no-competition, you’re *actually* competing for attention with…

Also, if...

88% of consumers say that authenticity is a key factor when deciding what brands they like and support…

And it takes them 0.05 seconds to form an opinion about your business, based of your visual identity…

How are you still believing a Payment Link is "enough"?

You've done the "enough" stuff, but now you want MORE. You want...

Apparently I'm *that* friend that does everything well.

Disclaimer: It’s what my BFF says. So, as BFF, she’s technically obligated to say that even if I don’t actually think it’s true. No?

Sofia Darling

aka Sofia Oliveira

but you’d never remember that. Am i right or… Am I right?

I bring joy to Design-Yard and am obsessed with WOW-za Brand Makeovers.

Graphic and web designer? Check!  Web Developer and former Webmistress as Head of Digital? Double check! ✅ ✅ Corporate Marketing Manager, Blogosphere pioneer and Digital Creator? Triple check! ✅ ✅ ✅ 🚀

I got into *this* world back when phones would beep beep boop for internet connection. 👵 And I’m here to get you wildly paid for being fabulously yourself.
Design meets Collaboration, Community and JOY.

So, you can bet your bum-bum and expect more than just knockout graphics. I’m here to arm your business with an entire treasure trove of creativity. Think of me not just as a designer, but as your trusty sidekick, your creative confidante, your whispering muse. Together, we’re unstoppable!

Get the goodies!

A sprinkle of confetti and joy, right in your inbox

Remember when getting snail mail was a thrill (and not just bills)? That is how I want my emails to feel.

Also, you’ll be the first to know about: